Singing Guide: Rage Against the Machine

Singing Guide: Rage Against the Machine

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're looking to learn how to sing like Zack de la Rocha, you'll benefit from understanding what makes his style so distinctive. These tips will help you develop and perfect your own style:

  1. Learn to control your breathing - Zack de la Rocha's powerful and intense vocals require excellent breath control. It's essential to master breath techniques before you begin singing in Zack's style. The article about breathing basics on Singing Carrots outlines helpful exercises for this purpose.
  2. Experiment with your scream and shout voice - De la Rocha's voice is best described as a mixture of singing, shouting, and rapping. Experiment with singing in a screamo-style while still maintaining pitch accuracy.
  3. Practice sustaining long notes - Zack de la Rocha has a distinctive style of drawing out specific words or phrases in his songs. Experiment with songs of this style and practice sustaining the length of the notes.
  4. Focus on your intonation and rhythm - De la Rocha often uses syncopated rhythms and off-beat flows, which make his lyrics and raps stand out. Focus on both the intonation and rhythm in your cover of Rage Against the Machine's songs.
  5. Take care of your voice - One of the most important things when learning to sing is taking care of your vocal cords. Learn about proper vocal warm-ups, hydration, and rest periods for your throat by watching the Vocal Health video in the resources.

To learn Zack's most notable songs, use the Pitch Accuracy Test for practice. Also, you can explore famous Vocal Ranges and find a song that fits your voice range through the Song Search feature. If you're serious about improving your singing and learning to sing like a pro, then Singing Carrots is your go-to platform. Sign up and take their singing course.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.